“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.”
― Paulo Coelho

I love his perfume... 11/12/2011

After an artistic afternoon of collage, reading and looking at old photographs... I went to the sauna and relaxed a little bit...

At 16.50pm Andrea was waiting for me outside... I went to meet him, we kissed and then we went inside my house... We went in my room... We talked, laughed, listened to music and kissed...

Then my mum entered in my room and meet him... It's wasn't the best meeting in the world, but it was ok... I thought worse...

Me and Andrea went outside to have a walk... While walking he was worried that my mother didn't liked him... However he said that she is a beautiful woman, but he prefers the her daughter... *-*

We went to a bar near my house and ordered an orange juice... The we took 20 pastries and sweets... He's so sweet...

At 19.00pm we kissed outside my house and then he left... I showed the pastries to my mother and we talked a little bit... She said that I smelled of smoke, but I told her that it was because of Andrea's kisses...

Now that he is not with me, I'm a little bit sad... I wanna hug and kiss him...