“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.”
― Paulo Coelho

Packing my bags and leaving this city soon... ♥ 3/01/12

All day long I was packing my stuff and putting thing on order... Before lunch around 11.30 Andrea called me and said “Can you please come down a second!”
Down where?!?! He was outside of my house waiting for me under my window... His boss brought him, because his car is broken (how sweet)... He came from work, during his lunch time, accompanied by his boss, to say goodbye before I would leave the city... I meet his boss and he presented me as being his love, although everyone already knew me (not personally) ‘cause Andrea talked about me... While we were kissing I wished for those moments to never end... I didn’t wanted to go to Zanzibar without seeing him for a whole week!!! When he gave me the last kiss, I was happy and sad at the same time...
During lunch time, I didn’t have much appetite, so I finished earlier and went in my room, texting with Andrea (who was working in his office)...
I also had a moment of inspiration, I run to the piano and started writing the new song... While I was playing, Andrea called me... We talked, while he had some free time and went to buy cigarettes...

When we ended the conversation on the phone, also my inspiration for the song ended and I went back to my room...
At 17.00 we all went in the kitchen to have some tea with sweets and cakes...
Before leaving the city, my mom and my sisters went to watch “Gossip Girl” on the computer and I took some pictures...
At 18.15 we all were outside with out luggages... We took the taxi, ‘cause my father wasn’t in the condition of driving... After 20min we were already in the airport... We gave the luggage's and made the check-in... Then until 20.40 I was taking with Andrea on the phone...
Before switching off the phone I texted with Andrea...

p.s. : original texts on original language
“ti amo da morire”
“ti amo da impazzire”
“ti amo ti amo ti amo... non mi stancherò mai di dirtelo”

When I switched off the phone, I already started to miss him...
Me and Olga took pictures with the computer and since we took 107 pictures, I decided to make a video...
Then I listened to music, but I couldn’t fall asleep...
When it was time for dinner, me and Olga went to the toilet and since the corridor was too small, the hostess was mad at us... However, after 20min when we were sitting on our place, the hostess didn’t gave us the dinner... She made it in purpose, bitch!
After we finished our meal, I continued doing the video and I was listening to the music... Then the computer had the low battery, so I had to switch it off...

When we landed in the airport of Egypt, I turned on my phone and texted to Andrea... Then we waited 45min, because they had to put the benzine in the airplane...
Midnight passed and I was still in the airplane...
I slept a little bit and honestly I can’t remember what were I dreaming of... I was thinking of Andrea, missed him so much and I wanna to be next to him...

I woke up, looking out of the window... The horizon was so clear, that it looked like it was drawn with a pencil... The contrast of the black earth and the light blue sky was so evident, that the red rays of the sun were trying to come out...
Finally when the sun started rising, I started clicking the button of the camera to take pictures...

After having ate a horrible sandwich, we finally arrived to Zanzibar!!! Our destination was reached... No! Their destination is the right one... While I’m asking myself why was I there!!! In the wrong place... That’s my wrong destination... The only thing that stopped me from crying was that I’m here to take pictures, not for something else... I don’t expect to have fun or to take the sun... Just take pictures and think of Andrea...